HIV-Free Environment
Education and Advocacy for an HIV-Free Generation: The foundation advocates for early diagnosis, educates the community about HIV transmission and its impact, and emphasizes routine testing as a crucial step toward a healthy society.

Education and Advocacy for an HIV-Free Generation: The foundation advocates for early diagnosis, educates the community about HIV transmission and its impact, and emphasizes routine testing as a crucial step toward a healthy society. The objective is to educate young people about HIV/AIDS, promote prevention, and work towards a future generation free from the burden of HIV.

  • Distribution of PREP
  • Distribution of Condoms
  • Demonstration of the use of oraquick HIV test kit
  • HIV Awareness Community outreach
  • Educate the community about HIV transmission and prevention for an HIV-free generation. 
  • Educate the community about HIV transmission and prevention for an HIV-free generation. 

Demonstration of the use of oraquick HIV test kit


Free HIV community tests

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